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Islam in Taiwan: A Comprehensive Guide to Its Growth, Culture, and Influence

Islam in Taiwan: A Comprehensive Guide to Its Growth, Culture, and Influence Introduction Islam, one of the world’s major religions, has a growing and vibrant presence in Taiwan. Despite being a predominantly non-Muslim society, Taiwan’s history, openness to multiculturalism, and commitment to inclusivity have allowed Islam to establish itself as a significant part of the island’s religious and cultural fabric. This article explores the origins, growth, and impact of Islam in Taiwan, highlighting its role in shaping a more diverse society. The Origins of Islam in Taiwan Early Muslim Arrivals Islam’s introduction to Taiwan dates back to the 17th century, when Muslim merchants and sailors from China and Southeast Asia visited the island. However, it was not until the mid-20th century that a more permanent Muslim presence was established, primarily through Chinese Muslims who fled to Taiwan during the Chinese Civil War. Key Historical Milestones 1949 Migration: ...

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